I am computer scientist, working on topic of the relationship between information technology and society.
My research focus lies in the role of the design and implementation processes in governance issues in the Internet. Or in other words: How can computer science contribute to the growing regulatory problems in connection with the information technologies which permeate all areas of society, besides IT products which may or may not work?
- April 2007
- In the summer term 2007, I held a lecture "Computers and Society" at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (FHTW). The lecture presentations (in German) are available on the FHTW-Summer 2007 page.
- October 2006
- In the winter term 2006/2007, I held a lecture "Computers and Society" at the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (FHTW). The lecture presentations (in German) are available on the FHTW-Winter 2006 page.
- September 16, 2006
- Together with Michael Strerath, I have given the presentation "Source code as common general knowledge in European patent law" (in German) at the Fall Academy of the Deutschen Stiftung für Recht und Informatik.
- September 19, 2005
- This site has been brought online at last, after 'sleeping' for half a year on my hard drive... The main incentive was to have some information accompanying my dissertation thesis, made online now.
- July 7, 2005
- Today I have also finished my oral phd disputation. The final step before I can officially call myself "doctor" now is the publication through the university library.
- April 27, 2005
- Hard to believe: I have submitted my phd thesis paper! The next steps are the doctorate presentation and disputation, and obligatory publication.